Global Girls' Bill of Rights

Amplify the
Girls’ Bill of Rights

GBOR Banner Color Blocks.png

Use #GirlsBillofRights across all networks to unite our voices and show that we mean business.

Post one of the images below, with the following message (or your own).

As a girl, co-sign the Bill by sharing:
“Girls just want to have fundamental rights. These are mine; read them, respect them. #GirlsBillofRights”

As an ally to girls, make a public pledge:
“I pledge to support girls on the decisions that affect their lives. #GirlsBillofRights”


Artwork courtesy of Louisa Cannell (@louisacannell)

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FINAL GBOR - Espanol.png

More tips to amplify the message

…through social media

Social media plays an important role in advocacy; it has the power to reach people all over the world. Sharing the Global Girls’ Bill of Rights with your online community of family and friends is a great and easy way to raise awareness and spark a conversation on girls’ rights!

  1. We’ve put together graphics that you can share on your social media below. Boost your reach by using the #girlsbillofrights hashtag and tagging @shesthefirst so that we can re-share your post.

  2. Try creating videos with a smartphone! You can post a video explaining why girls’ rights and the Girls’ Bill of Rights is important to you, and share your call to action.

…through your school newspaper  

  1. Sharing your motivation can inspire others. You can include facts and statistics about girls’ rights to convey why you’re passionate, or share a personal story about why the Girls’ Bill of Rights is important to you.

  2. Share quotes and stories from your peers and experts. Be sure to ask for permission before sharing someone’s words or photos. 

  3. Proofread your articles before you publish them. Most school newspapers have editors and a style guide to help you with this. If not, ask your friends. 

…through a radio show

  1. Preparation is key to having a meaningful message. If you’re being interviewed, ask the host for a list of questions they will ask. If you’re by yourself or with friends, plan the main messages you want your community to know.

  2. Plan and practice your talking points in advance. We’ve put together this resource that tells you everything you should know about the Girls’ Bill of Rights. While creating your talking points, consider the audience of the show. Would they be familiar with girls’ rights? Are there things you need to explain before you can discuss them? 

  3. During your appearance, speak clearly and slowly so that the audience can understand. 

Remember, you’re an expert on the Girls’ Bill of Rights! Here are five tips to boost your confidence before you go on the show. 

Amplify Your Commitment:



Speak Up About Girls & COVID-19

Girls are on track to be disproportionately affected in this global pandemic. Use these posts and the hashtag #GirlsCantWait to share how girls can’t be left behind in relief efforts.


Individual Rights and Stats